Ultimate Guide on Publishing Application Google Play Store

Ultimate Guide on Publishing Application Google Play Store

Guide on Publishing Application Google Play Store. Google Play Store release is always a whole event when creating an app for Android. It’s a complex process where many nuances need to be considered. However, in this article, we want to walk you through all the important steps of releasing an application in the Google Play Store so that you don’t have any problems with this process in the future. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Ultimate Guide on Publishing Application Google Play Store

Stage #1. Make Your Google Play Developer Account

This is the initial stage without which it is impossible to publish your application in the store. You can use your personal Google account to make a developer account if you have one or create a separate account. The registration process is pretty standard. However, there are nuances like:

  • Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement, wich you must sign
  • You must fill in personal information
  • Registration payment ($25)

Stage #2. Research Google Developer Policies

This stage is extremely important even before developing a software product since you will have an idea of ​​which rules should not be violated during development if you do not want your application to be rejected. In addition, for repeated violations of the rules, your account may be permanently deleted, so it is worthwhile to study all the rules of Google’s policy for developers in advance, including:

  • Defining restricted content
  • List and store promotion
  • Impersonating Another Person and Intellectual Property
  • Monetization and advertising rules
  • Regulation of privacy, security and deception
  • Spam and minimal functionality

Stage #3. Learning Tech Requirements

Once you’ve finished developing your Android app, you need to check a few technical details before starting the release process:

  • Unique Bundle ID. It is imperative that this identifier matches the validity period of the application.
  • Signed App Release With a Signing Certificate. A mandatory certificate must be signed by every application that comes out in the Google Play Store.
  • The App Size. If your application supports Android 2.3 and higher versions, then the downloaded file should not exceed 100MB.
  • File format. Your application can be in one of two formats, application package and .apk.

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Stage #4. Google Console

The next release stage is to create your application in the Google Console or the well-known developer account. To do this, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Go to the “All Applications” tab in the main menu.
  2. Find Create Application.
  3. Next, select the default language for the application.
  4. Next, add a description to your application. Keep in mind that the description can be changed at any time.
  5. Tap on Create.

After that, you will be automatically transferred to the store login page to add complete data about the application.

Stage #5. Application Listing

At this stage, you fill in all the information about your application that will be visible to the store users. You will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Product description. A standard application description field that contains the title of your application, a short description and the main description of the application.
  • Screenshots. The store allows you to add screenshots to your application. The minimum number of screenshots is 2, and the maximum is 8. Keep in mind that the format of screenshots should be JPEG or 24-bit PNG, and the size of screenshots should vary from 320px to 3840 pixels.
  • Application Icon. There are also limitations here. The image must not exceed 512 by 512 pixels, and its maximum size is 1024KB.
  • Promo video. An optional field, but if you have prepared a video for your application, you can add it for more convenient familiarization with the functionality.
  • Tags. The store will offer you a selection of the most relevant tags (custom tags are not available)
  • Localization. In this field you must indicate which languages ​​your application supports.
  • Application type and categorization. For a more convenient search for an application in the store, you must correctly indicate the category and type of your application.
  • Contact details. In this field, you must indicate your company’s contact information or support where users can contact.
  • Privacy Policy. You must add a link to your application’s privacy policy.

Stage #6. Content Rating

The next stage in releasing the application in the Google Play Store is to pass the rating questionnaire. This profile is needed to give your application an age rating. If an app is not rated, it will be removed from the store.

When filling out this questionnaire, the information must be accurate and truthful since any discrepancy between the application and the questionnaire will lead to a temporary suspension of the account or its complete removal from the store.

Once you fill out the form, click on the “Save form” button. Then click on “Calculate rating”. The platform will automatically assign an age rating to your application based on the information provided. Once the rating has been assigned, click on “Apply rating”.

Stage #7. Pricing Policy

At this step, you must indicate the financial side of your application, namely this information that relates to its monetization:

  • Distribution model (paid or free)
  • Regions and countries of distribution
  • Supported devices
  • Is the app suitable for people under the age of 13
  • Confidential data
  • Advertisement

Pay attention to the fact that you can change the pricing of the policy from paid to free at any time, but you cannot switch from free to paid. In order to switch to the paid policy, you will need to re-release the application.

Stage #8. Upload Application File for Review

So, here it is, the finish line, it remains only to go through the review from the Google Play Store. To do this, you need to download the application file:

  • Go to the “Application Releases” section and select one of the three application release options: Production, Beta, and Alpha tracks.
  • Next, select “Manage” (Production, Beta or Alpha)
  • Click on “Edit release”
  • Upload your application file
  • After that go to the “Review” tab and click on “Start rollout to production”. This will confirm the submission of your application for review.

After that, you just have to wait for the test results. If the app successfully passes all the stages, it automatically appears in the store.

Wrapping Up

So, we have described the entire process of releasing an application in the Google Play Store. As you can see, the whole sequence is permeated with certain nuances if not knowing which, the release can turn into additional problems. However, now you are armed with all the necessary knowledge and are ready to release your own application without any problems.


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